07 February, 2020

Heartbreak to Courage

I just read on Facebook that 'heartbreak taught me courage'. And wow...that couldn't be more true in my current situation.

Remember my previous post? (Big Decisions are BIG)

I spoke about having to make a difficult decision within 24 hours.

Well, it broke my heart, but I made it.

I made it and I tried to find ways to ease the pain, but none of my efforts worked. 

At three in the morning with only two hours of sleep, I was in a back and forth email conversation. I tried to finesse something.

None of it worked.

No amount of finessing was working.

While my heart broke, it also felt like it was lighter. Because from that heartbreak...I found the dream I've been seeking since I was 19.

It's finally here and I would be a fool to say 'no' even if it means saying goodbye to what I know.

But that's okay.

I'm ready for this step.

I'm here for it.



  1. I can't wait to welcome you back to the States...change is good...be fearless!!

    1. If my planes don't get delayed, I'll be stateside by 8pm the latest!
