24 July, 2019

Goal Point~!

Just now...I finished Mango Languages' Basic Korean unit, and I can't even contain how I feel right now! I had to rush to SaveOurToya and talk about this!!!

I don't know about you, but when it comes to language studying, it's hard to stay committed. It is so easy to just....stop studying, because of xyz reason. It happens. Alot.

Without fail.

At least it did for me. (Still does, who am I kidding.)


My goal when I came to Korea was to be at an intermediate level where I could have at least casual conversations with people.

And while what I do when I talk to be people isn't comfortable or even casual, I'm still having conversations! (I swear, this one taxi driver....every morning, he's trying to pull me into conversation about one thing or another.) However, I don't know if I could be considered at an 'intermediate level' right now. Perhaps a 'high beginner'?

That being said and having accomplished this one goal, one of many that I have for learning Korean...it is time that I switch my studying up again. (Can't stick to one resource, after all~!) Despite the exhaustion I have thinking about it, I am going to commit to taking Korean lessons at the YMCA in Daegu, once again, starting in September.

I look forward to seeing how my Korean will improve by the time Christmas comes around! Who knows, maybe I'll be able to write a post in Korean?


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