22 October, 2021


I just finished typing up the crazy that was my life recently. Let me tell you about the calm.

And that calm was my family.

Even with our own issues (what family doesn't have their problems?), they still continue to support me and my shenanigans. I'm so thankful for their kind words, their strong shoulders, and supportive attitudes. October would've been brutal without them.

To my parents, always keeping me out of my head and in the present.

To my big brother, for understanding me when I don't know even who I am.

To my sister-in-law, for being patient.

To my nephew, for being a shining light with his cute smile. 

To my dog-nephew, for always wanting kisses and fresh air when I needed to be out of my head.

To my cat, for making things amusing even when they really shouldn't be.

With my upcoming departure for a minimum of two years and a maximum of four...the physical distance will be great, but per the rules of Ohana....nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

Wouldn't be here without you.


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