29 January, 2019

Poetry - Reflection

I look at you from across the room and frankly, I don't like you.

You stare at me with dead begging eyes.

Eyes that won't let me look away.

Clutching tightly to the nasty words we hear every day.

How can you look at me like that?

You know why we're here.

Were you hoping for a happy ever after?


Please. How many times have we learned

that we don't deserve it?

One? Two?


Try higher.

It's not that we don't try.

We just don't trust.

Many times we try to work things out.

What you hear and what I see.

But it never works.

You're still depressed

And I'm still confused.

Sometimes though....

Things work out,

it gets easier.

1 comment:

  1. It's a struggle many people deal with everyday including me and feel like a I'm looking at a shell of a reflection. This poem is raw and speaks volumes
