23 January, 2019

A Good Day

Today's been a good day.

For once, I have nothing to say in the matter of negativity. I woke up to fantastic news. I put off breakfast for even better news. And, I actually completed all my errands today.

Let's also not forget that today's Chicken Day.

Today has been so good to me, I wanted to share it with all of you!

Fantastic News: One of my oldest friends is being stationed in Korea starting August. That means...she'll be here all of my second year!

Even Better News: My parents booked their tickets and will be visiting me come May~! No clue how they'll like Korea, but I'm hoping they'll see how well I've adjusted and get to enjoy their time here.

My Errands: Finally able to finish two particular errands that I've been putting off for a week or so now. I even found the post office. I sent letters.

Chicken Day: A day I hang out with a few of the other foreigners in my town and we get to enjoy chicken, good company, a wonderful playlist, and relax!

All-in-all, this Wednesday is my kind of Wednesday.


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