22 January, 2019

That time I flooded the apartment

This was NOT my fault.


All I did was wash my dishes. 

The flood came out of nowhere. 

Well, not nowhere. It came from the pot I just emptied, but I emptied the pot into the sink. Remember, I was washing dishes...minding my own business...not at fault.

Okay, so let me start at the beginning...

I'd just finished eating dinner, a delicious meal of spaghetti. Yes, it was made by yours truly, which means I had dishes to wash. No problem.

Unlike the states, I didn't fill up the sink with water as the sink at my homestay doesn't work that way. All the water was in the pot. So much water. You know, you never realize just how much water a decent-sized pot can hold until you're flooding your kitchen. 

But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

So I washed the small dishes first, putting them on the drying rack, and just being a decent houseguest. When I finally got to the pot, I poured the dirty water out (no flood here) and refilled it with enough to continue cleaning. Now, mind you, this was perhaps the second time I'd done it, and there had been no issue.

But it was the third time that did it. 

It's ALWAYS the third time. 

I just pour the whole thing out, oblivious and innocent as all get out when I hear a weird rushing noise. I don't know why I looked down. It wasn't because my feet were soaked, my house slippers prevented that, and it wasn't like the noise was noticeably coming from below me, I just looked.

And there it was. 

Water coming out from below the sink- okay, fine. From the cabinet below the sink. I rush to pull it open to see where the water was coming from, which also meant more water came running out. For those first five seconds, I was devastated. 

I was about to flood my homestay and my host parents weren't even home. They were out of town for the night and I was flooding their house. Even though it wasn't my fault, I was the one home and the water pipe burst (at least that's what I thought had happened in those five seconds).

After those five seconds, I was able to find the source of the water. 

Apparently, this gigantic thermos had fallen on the hose that connected the sink to where ever sinks are connected too. I mean, besides realizing I would be a horrible plumber, I got scared. How the heck was I supposed to finish the dishes if the hose was disconnected? 

Of course, that's when I realized I could probably just...wiggle the hose back on, right?

Oh, and the water had spread into the dinning area by now.

Executive decision making had me wiggling the hose back on, walking intent-fully to my bathroom (running on wet surfaces are dangerous), grabbed towels and threw them at the water. And by towels, I mean hand towels, because those are towels in Korea. Oh my god, those towels did their best but the water soaked through them so quickly; I had to go back to the bathroom two more times.

By the time I felt even an ounce calmer, I stood in a quiet apartment with a pile of wet towels at my feet, missing a sock, and a sore stomach. Oh! And I still had dishes to finish washing. 


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