02 October, 2019

High Beginner...I guess?

A while ago, I wrote about reaching a goal point in my language learning. I also mentioned that I was starting up my Korean classes again.

I am officially two weeks into my classes and I already scored 100% on my first test.

My reward: getting popcorn at the movies tonight.

But I didn't just stop at signing up for classes. I also made a language exchange partner! We've met once and speak often on KakaoTalk, but it's still a relatively new relationship. I hope to write more about the experience later.

As to why I got an exchange partner...well, I kind of fell into it. It started with a conversation with a friend about their language acquisition, then downloading an app, and then posting like I was on Facebook, but with less memes and more Korean. Within two weeks of actively using the app, I made a few connections to various people for language exchange, but only one we've agreed to meeting a second time and committing to each other as exchange partners.

I'm really hoping that my speaking will improve. I can do a lot with textbooks, SMS, and Duolingo, but speaking isn't one of them. At work, I'm there to be an English teacher. At home, I want to be able to connect with other English speakers again.

However, a promised exchange is a bit of both worlds.

And so far...it's going great!

Let's just hope it stays that way...


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