04 November, 2018

How does this KEEP happening?!

PC: Ashley
November is here, the leaves are changing, the heat mats are coming out, and I have climbed yet another mountain.

I'm not...mad...or anything.

But how do I keep finding myself on a mountain?

It's as if Korea has evoked the hiking enthusiast out of me. And today's hike was an adventure

Where do I even begin?

Let's start with how I'm feeling now, shall we?
PC: Ashley

My feet hurt, but my ankle is mostly fine. As you know, I had to go to the hospital a couple months ago to have it checked out. I had been a bit too active for my Achilles' taste and discovered I had tendinitis. The doctor told me to rest it for a month.

Well that month was up as of November 3rd. 

But...it did hurt for a while on the hike. I'm going to take that as a 'not completely healed yet' sign.

My head is killing me, as it usually does when I'm out in nature for a long time. I have nothing against nature, in fact, I love it. It's really peaceful and wholesome! 
PC: Ashley

However, my head still hurts.

Moving right along...despite the few aches and pains, I feel...GREAT! I climbed a mountain. I finally made it to the top of a mountain, despite my trash-talking. 

PC: Ashley
Oh yes. I trash-talked on the mountain. In my defense (not sure if it's a good one...), my foot hurt and my muscles burned and I had been promised we'd reach the top 'soon'. Well, 'soon' meant in an hour. 

And no. We hadn't just started walking. (Don't be rude.)

That being said, I couldn't have climbed that mountain with a better group. We were...I don't think I actually have a word that describes us. Except, CHAMPIONS. (Since you know, we climbed a mountain...and listened to Queen while doing it.)
Look at this view. You're welcome.

PC: Ashley
The four of us are all English teachers, but unlike myself, they're not from the US. And let me just say, that it's wonderful how you can meet people from all around the world no matter where you go! And while others were invited on this outing, they were unable to join us this go-around. But that's okay! I'll be seeing them Wednesday for our weekly soccer match anyways!

Here are some more pictures from today's hike!

To the top!
The Champions~!
The water...so clear...much wow
Break time
Loving nature
Found some wings again~!
If you wanna keep up with my latest shenanigans, hit the 'FOLLOW' button on the right!



  1. Thanks for sharing. It makes me want to discover nature maybe on a cool breezy day tho.

    1. Haha, even on the hot ones, you'll feel accomplished. And just imagine the shower you get to take afterwards!


  2. Makes Me want to go out in nature. Nice pics and glad you made it up the MTN
