09 January, 2019

Poetry - 6 months ago

6 months

It was 6 months ago that I came to Korea.

Where I traded in my hello's for 안녀하세요's.

My bread for rice, and my voice for understanding.

6 months

It was 6 months ago where I learned what it meant to be a foreigner

Yes, back home I was a minority,

Yes, back home I was a woman,

Yes, back home I was other.

But here in Korea? I am Other,

with a capital O.

I stick out with my afro hair,

my choco-lusciousness,

my own certain style of flair.

6 months ago

It was 6 months ago that I said good bye to home.

Do you know what it's like to be a minority Other?

Where your life is in the hands of another?

Where you have no say, hoping for a new day?

I thought I came here with open eyes,

but what did I know?

At home, I could do something about my problems.

But here...here I am a 6 month year old infant without a home.

I have no claim.

Nothing is the same.

6 months ago

It was 6 months ago that I hoped to find it.

You know...it;

the flame that lit every relationship, interaction, and thought;

a burning sensation of belonging.

Just when I thought that spark ignited,

the warmth fluttering across my skin like an old friend,

that I am doused in the ice cold waters of the North.

6 months ago

It was 6 months ago that I zipped my suitcase closed

Smiling despite the tears

I was ready to see the world

Make a change in my life

I was brushing away the shackles of defeat and depression

My flame was going to grow to new levels.

6 months ago

It was 6 months ago and I'm standing here

feeling no different than I did the day before.


  1. Loved this poem. I comprehended it with my personal struggles of thinking of new adventures, hope nd change and finding out that even tho the paces and people look different that everything is still the same sometimes and leaves me feeling lost and alone but in a different place

    1. Im glad you liked the poem! I'm not usually one to write poems. But this one came out and demanded to be written.
