13 August, 2018

Week 5 - Finals...ugggghhhhh

This week's post is going to be rather short. I'm not gonna lie. It was a little hard to sit down and write a post for today. Not because it was emotionally draining, I was just really- really busy.

Between preparing for Finals, taking my final, going to Seoul, meeting the Ambassador, Dynasty Bonding, and seeing Mamma Mia 2, I didn't have much of a chance to sit down and write out a post.

Each of these highlights deserve their own post, but I'm ready to move to the next part of my time here.

My placement.

This time next week, when my Week 6 post goes up, I will be settling into my placement!!!

That statement deserves three exclamations marks- I don't care what you say.

But, I should give some spotlight to what I went through this week.

Finals- Oh my gawd. I think I failed. I barely understood anything on that exam. What
evvveeeeennnnn?!?!? The night before, I studied for a eight hours, but nothing stuck. It was really bad. I'm just going to leave it here.

Seoul- We took a train to Seoul, which was fine. But I think I need to get better shoes. My feet would start hurting almost immediately. Taking the subway here includes lots of standing, lots of stairs, but barely any money. So, there are small favors there. We went to Seoul to go to the Fulbright Building, KAEC is one of the few (very few) commissions that has their own building, where we heard a doctor explain extra medical things to us. Good stuff to know. But afterwards, we went to the embassy for a pool party and had American food again. Which was great! And it was at that time we met the Ambassador.
2018-19 Fulbright Korea Cohort at the Embassy pool party
Dynasty Bonding- Took up most of my Sunday, so there wasn't any time to write my post.

Mamma Mia 2- It was such a feel good movie~! I'm glad I went. Anni and I decided to hop over to Megabox and had quite the experience. Garlic popcorn. That's all I have to say on that front.

I'll do better next post! See you around, Fam~!


1 comment:

  1. My opinion: not enough info...
    But You made it!!! Congrats.
    By the way, Miss Sandy says hello!!!
