09 September, 2018

Week 9 - Festival in Geochang

Already at week 9? Wow. Okay. Time is seriously flying...and here I thought it would be kinda slow...what with figuring out how to juggle teaching 22 different classes a week (yes, I am writing 22 different lesson plans) and figuring out my social life.

There's kind of two things I wanted to highlight in this week's post. And instead of making one very long post, I decided to have two posts. I was a bit iffy on what to highlight for Week 9 since two very awesome things happened this week.

But, I figured my birthday post, should be its own.

So! Guess what my small town decides to have Week 2 of me being here?

That's right, a festival.

Before going, I had no idea what it was even about. Everyone kept saying 'festival! festival!' and I'm all, 'okay, but what kind of festival?' I would just get the same answer...I figured it would be easier to just go and find out myself.

Okay, small lie. I knew it was about Geochang. So, I guessed it would probably be something about apples? The town has apple things everywhere. I thought it was a pretty solid guess.

After attending one of the first days of the festival, I'm honestly still not too sure what it was for? All I know is that there was good food, rides, performances, and an indoor garden. There wasn't just one thing to look out for and honestly I'm okay with that. I got to grow closer with my Homestay family that my Host Dad now let's me call him 아버지, which means that I have built some serious 정.

I really enjoyed the festival and hope that I get more chances to go to others! (be it with the host fam or with friends!!)

Oh...and did I forget to mention I ate larvae?


...Ya'll, they were cooking in a LEGITIMATE cauldron
My favorite festival snack!
아버지 was "shooting" tonight. (aka, he picked up the bill)
Foods you could order!
아버지 and I being cool af
Aren't I cute?
Still cute, nothing's changed.
Like I mentioned....FRUIT.
The 2018 Geochang Hanmadang Festival!
So Korean. Chicken and Beer

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