05 July, 2018

Bye Bye UCF

It is 7:46am as I write this post and all because this morning, it really hit me. 😕

This is my last day at the University of Central Florida. I've been here for so long (7 years!) that it's kind of surreal. In the summer of 2011, I started working part time in the College of Sciences' Dean's Office. In the fall, I started undergrad. A year later, I was working full-time and going to school. By 2016, I had my B.A. and started graduate school, while still being employed at the university.

I've worked in three separate and vastly different departments on campus. And from each area, did I learn something new about myself.

These last seven years...I really can't put a word to it. I am thankful and honored for all of the people who I've met and while some of the experiences were less than ideal, I am better for it. There are so many people I want to give shout-outs to, but you all know who you are. If we've ever interacted, even as little as 'hi', thank you!

Now, it is July 2018, I am a two-time graduate of UCF, about to move abroad, and am only 24 years old. I think I'm doing this 'adulting' thing right. We can compare notes^^

It's been an adventure UCF, but gurl bye. 😘



  1. I will miss our lunch walks.
    But I am also excited for you. Enjoy yourself in this new adventure. Lots of hugs and kisses.

    1. I miss them too!
      Having loads of fun and good times so far!

  2. Korea needs a little sunshine in it's life.... Get em girl!

    1. You're not kidding! It's the rainy season over here and its been predominantly overcast! I'm wearing yellow today, not my usual yellow dress, but another flowy top with yellow flowers on it!
